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Fall semester 2021 brought more exciting opportunities to our Waukee APEX program. With the new addition of our Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program, our course offerings grew from 10 to 11. Our student associates partnered with 203 different professionals to complete unique project work, informational interviews, guided tours, and mentorship opportunities. Through those partnerships, our APEX student associates completed 157 projects for partners in the community, each one focusing on unique work-based learning experiences that help our aspiring professionals explore post-high school pathways. In addition, we welcomed four new professional development speakers to lead our student associates through workshops that focused on finding joy in uncertainty, best practices in professional communications, the 10 factors that contribute to success, and how to manage stress. None of these amazing opportunities would be possible without the support of those around us, and for that, we are extremely grateful.

As with any program that is constantly growing, evolving, and changing, we don’t sit idle for very long. We are so excited to announce that we are adding yet another course offering starting in the Fall of 2022! Starting now, interested students can elect to enroll in our Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course. We are thrilled to offer this program through our Waukee APEX program in partnership with DMACC and the City of Waukee Fire Department and look forward to highlighting the new opportunities that this course offering will bring.

If you are interested in discussing partnership opportunities, please do not hesitate to reach out to schedule a discovery meeting with a member of our Waukee APEX team. You can reach out on our website: https://apex.waukeeschools.org.staging3.juiceboxint.com/contact/